Along with potato growers throughout Ireland, Bord Bia and our European counterparts in Europatat, Meade Farm are part of an exciting new potato promotion called Potatoes - Prepared to be Suprised - Europe’s favourite since 1536.
The potato's nutritional benefits have long been a foundation of the healthy Irish diet, but research showed that a makeover was required to bring them to a new #millennials audience that associates them with an older generation.
This campaign has recipes that are versatile, ethnic, easy and tasty and will be available to all via their website www.preparetobesurprised.eu
and their instagram and facebook pages @potatosurprises.eu . In Ireland there will also be cooking demos from leading influencers, including foodies and djs, which will reinforce the versatility and convenience of Ireland’s favourite vegetable.
Be sure to stay tuned to our social media as we share these delicious recipes over the next three years of the campaign.
Potato and Vegetable Flower Pie - only takes 25 minutes to make and packed full of healthy veg.