Why you should aim to eat 10 servings of fruit and veg every day!
POTASSIUM - Get yours in potatoes, avocados, bananas, tomatoes, spinach...
Potassium is essential to proper functioning of the body's cells and too little can result in problems like high blood pressure. Eat your bananas, potatoes, avocados, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach to ensure you get your Recommended Daily Allowance.
APPLES - Guilt-free sweet treat.
With just 47 calories per 100g, apples are a guilt free sweet treat for snackers. It is a great source of fibre, and like all apples, has been proven to aid cardiovascular health.
AVOCADOS - Good fat!
Avocados are packed full of 20 vitamins and minerals which is why they are considered nutrient dense. Although they are the only fruit that contains fat, it is a good mono-unsaturated fat that helps you absorb more vitamins and minerals from other foods, and fills you up.
BLUEBERRIES - Antioxidant powers.
Renowned for their anti-oxidant powers, blueberries remove free radicals (which can damage cell structure) from the system. Eating 3 servings of blueberries a day has been suggested as a possible aid in helping to prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimers.
BROCCOLI - More vitamin C than an orange!
In addition to having loads of vitamin C (one cup ful has more than an orange), broccoli is also an excellent source of K, chromium and folate. It’s also rich in dietary fibre, pantothenic acid, vitamins A, B1, B6, and E, manganese, phosphorus, choline, potassium and copper. Some studies have shown that it prevent cancer, improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels and maximise vitamin and mineral uptake.
CARROTS - Full of Vitamin A
Carrots are full of beta-carotene, which metabolises into Vitamin A, essential for healthy skin, eyes and immune systems.
GRAPES - The perfect snack food.
It's pretty hard to beat a grape as the perfect snack food containing as it does high fibre content, vitamins K and C. Nitric acid found in grapes is believed to help prevent blood clots.
GARLIC - Devout believers in garlic's power.
Because of the small amounts of garlic consumed, their nutritional contributions of most vitamins and minerals are not significant. However, there are devout believers who think garlic can lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, cure the common cold and even help prevent certain types of cancer. There is little hard evidence to support most of this, but the link between lowering of cholesterol and garlic does appear to be slightly more credible.
KALE - Superfood Status
The list of minerals and nutrients in kale is quite endless. 100g has only 33 calories but 134% of your daily Vitamin C, 200% of the GDA Vitamin A and a whopping 700% of your Vitamin K. It also has fibre, protein, manganese, and much more! It has been suggested that it helps lower blood pressure and detoxifies the body, being one of the strongest anti-oxidants available.
MUSHROOMS - B Vitamins
100g of mushrooms contain 42% of the GDA of riboflavin or B2, as well as 25% of B3 and 30% of B2 vitamins. The B complex vitamins promote a healthy metabolism and have been linked to a reduced risk of stroke.
PEACH - Potassium
Peaches are a source of vitamin A and betacarotene which are important for eye and skin health. They also contain 11% of the GDA of potassium, which is the essential ingredient for regulating fluids within the body.
TOMATOES - Vitamin C packed antioxidant
Tomatoes have a carotene called lycopene which is a proven anti-oxidant (a substance in the body that helps repair damaged cells), and has been linked in some studies with helping protect the skin from harmful UV rays. They also contain a fair amount of Vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system.